I Can Day Nurseries
Our Forest School Sessions
What do we do and what are the benefits?
At I Can Day Nurseries' forest school, we aim to follow the children’s interests and enthusiasms. We plan a wide range of challenging, achievable and fun activities for the children to choose from - these activities will differ according to the age and stage of development.
The children will be involved in art and craft activities, story-telling, physical challenges, investigating the flora and fauna on site, bug hunts, making a forest friend from the natural resources available, testing the strength of leaves to making dens and assisting the building of supervised camp fires.
We always aim to start and finish each session with a circle time activity, so that there is time for the children to plan and reflect on their learning in the forest area.
Some of the ways the children benefit:
• Confidence ~ this is developed by the children having the freedom, time and large space to learn and explore their surroundings, whilst demonstrating their independence.
• Social skills ~ children gain increased awareness of others around them: this has been shown in the children turn-taking with different tools and equipment.
• Communication ~ children are seen and heard to be talking about the environment around them and asking each other questions which assist with language development,
• Knowledge and understanding ~ the children are developing a wider interest in the natural surroundings and gaining a greater respect for the environment.
Understanding: The World – "Shows care and concern for living things and the environment"
A Typical Session

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